The Solution

Transform Waste Into Energy

Transform unrecyclable solid waste into low carbon green energy!
Data Points. 100 tons of organic waste (extracted from 200 tons of municipal solid waste) are transformed into:

We have partnered with an established Canadian high-tech company to apply their unique chemical membrane technologies & processes to provide this unique solution!!


Why do we need bioethanol?

We are highly dependent on fossil fuels to satisfy our energy demands, particularly for transportation. However, fossil fuels, which are hugely rich in carbon, emit carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere to power vehicles, aircraft, marine vessels, and rockets. CO2 emissions have been identified as a significant contributor to green house gas (GHG) accumulation in our atmosphere, which in turn, are exacerbating climate change consequences and harming plant and animal life in our biosphere through rising temperatures.

As with many countries, Canada’s government is determined to reduce carbon consumption, and continues to introduce and tighten regulations towards this end. This measures, such as Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations, aim to progressively reduce the consumption of fossil fuels to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Blending bioethanol (as well as biodiesel) with existing fuel products has become part of the progressive reduction in fossil fuel consumption. However, the demand for fuel to meet transportation, heating, electrical, and other needs has continued to increase as the population grows and the demands for such needs expands.

Our bioethanol solves the disposal of waste and doesn’t require valuable farmland. We produce our own water & energy within our self-sustaining process, while producing low-carbon bioethanol. A true “win-win” solution!!

The Technology & Products

Industrial Production of Bioethanol

PSC Engineering Technology

Petro Sep Bioethanol Process

MSW Cross-Section (Canada-2016)

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